What is the SQE?
Your guide to understanding the new Solicitors Qualifying Exam.
SQE at a glance

It’s not just a new name, it’s an entirely different way of testing, bringing with it the need for an entirely new way of preparing for the examination.
In September 2021, the Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) and the Legal Practice Course (LPC) are being phased out and replaced by the new Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE). With that change comes an entirely new way of testing your legal knowledge and lawyering skills.
The SQE is comprised of a series of exams that, unlike the GDL/LPC exams, include mixed subject questions (contract with civil litigation, for example) and multiple-choice formats. Furthermore, the new SQE means that a classic undergraduate law degree – or non-law degree– will provide insufficient test preparation on their own.
Why take the new SQE rather than the old route?
- The SQE offers greater flexibility, spreading the preparation course and exam fees over longer time periods.
- Unlike the full-time LPC, earn whilst learning with BARBRI SQE Prep.
- The SQE and the opportunity for qualifying work experience in place of a traditional training contract allows flexible entry into the profession.
- Many smaller LPC providers will discontinue their course or migrate to SQE preparation, making it difficult to gain a place in an affordable or convenient LPC.
- Innovation and investment will be directed towards the SQE as universities, law firms and employers begin focusing on the new qualification.
- From 2022, most employers will expect their future trainees to have qualified under the SQE.
SQE stages: SQE1 and SQE2
SQE1 is a computer-based exam testing your functioning legal knowledge by way of multiple-choice questions. SQE2 consists of practical legal skills assessments such as client interviewing, advocacy, case and matter analysis, legal research and written advice, and legal drafting.
Functioning Legal Knowledge
The SQE1 is a computer-based functioning legal knowledge assessment which consists of 2 exams of 180 multiple-choice questions, 360 in total. SQE1 combines substantive and procedural law, and is a test of candidates functioning legal knowledge, i.e. application, problem solving and decision making. Both examinations must be taken in single assessment window.
Kaplan is the sole authorised exam assessment provider, and SQE1 assessments will be available in designated examination centres across England and Wales and internationally. As the assessment provider, Kaplan is not authorised to provide SQE1 preparation courses. The Solicitors Regulation Authority is the governing body that determines the knowledge which candidates must demonstrate on the exam. BARBRI SQE Prep always recommends that candidates visit the SRA website for any recent revisions.
Subjects Tested:
- Business Law and Practice (including taxation)
- Dispute Resolution
- Contract
- Tort
- The Legal System of England and Wales
- Constitutional & Administrative Law & EU law
- Legal Services
- Property Practice (including taxation)
- Wills and the Administration of Estates (including taxation)
- Solicitors’ Accounts
- Land Law
- Trusts
- Criminal law and Practice
Ethics & professional conduct will pervade.
The SQE1 exam fee, payable to the exam provider, is £1,558.
After passing SQE1, you will then be eligible to apply for and sit for SQE2.
The SQE2 will consist of practical legal skills assessments, namely:
- Client interviewing, advocacy, case and matter analysis, legal research and written advice, legal drafting
- Simulated role plays
Kaplan is the sole authorised exam assessment provider. As the assessment provider, Kaplan is not authorised to provide SQE2 preparation courses. The SQE2 legal research and written advice and drafting assessments are also available in designated examination centres across England and Wales and internationally. To make sure that the assessments are comparable and consistent, the remaining three role-play SQE2 assessments are only available in designated examination centres in England and Wales. The Solicitors Regulation Authority is the governing body that determines the knowledge which candidates must demonstrate on the exam. BARBRI SQE Prep always recommends that candidates visit the SRA website (https://www.sra.org.uk/solicitorexam/) for any recent revisions.
Candidates have a six-year time frame in which to pass all SQE1 and SQE2 assessments.
The SQE2 exam fee, payable to the exam provider, is £2,422.
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